Is It Better to Give or to Receive? Research Points to Giving

Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions, according to social sciences research. Gratitude correlates with greater happiness, more fulfilling careers, and overall healthier well-being. Research also shows that the act of giving can help cultivate stronger personal connections between family and friends that exceeds the monetary value of the gift itself. There are even evolutionary forces behind gift-giving. Anthropologists suggest that the most generous men had more success in finding a partner when giving unique and meaningful gifts, and that women with a penchant for gift-giving were better able to sustain the family unit. Receiving thank you gifts is always lovely, and research suggests the most significant benefits of giving actually fall on the person doing the act. Essentially, giving a gift can generate pleasure on its own and reinforce feelings of caring and connection with the people you love the most. You don’t need an occasion to give a g...