Ways to Empower and Lift Up Your Girlfriends

We all want to feel good about ourselves and our ability to achieve whatever we set our minds to. That’s what empowerment is all about—having the confidence to show up day after day even when life gets hard. We also want to know we aren’t alone. If you have friends who could use your support and encouragement, in good and bad times, be the person who leads by example and lifts your friends up. Here’s some girlfriend advice for empowering your best friends, plus a few best friendship gifts ideas . Follow Their Dreams We only have this one life to live, so if your friend is excited about a new opportunity or challenge, give them your blessing. If it’s something that will make them happy and healthy, such as a move to a new city for a great employment opportunity, let them know you support their dreams! Don’t be afraid to shoot them straight either, they may be looking to you for an unbiased opinion. Change is hard and scary for some people. You can give supportive ad...